The domain of the transitive operator detecte (find, discover) is investigatory operations. If A stands for an abstract noun-equivalent of an amplifier, a (467) detecte couplet has the meaning: discover the A of Y (the object), e.g.:

detecte fabrico Y = analyse Y (find the composition of Y)
detecte sequo Y = deduce from Y (find the result of Y)

The formula for the transitive operator (479) stimule (excite, evoke, stimulate, call forth) is: evoke the reaction A from Y. Thus with philo (love) and cholo (anger) we have:

stimule philo Y = endear oneself to Y
stimule mega cholo Y = infuriate Y

When the accompanying amplifier signifies a physical process or reaction, the corresponding intransitive construction is an acte couplet. The transitive operator (470) esthe (feel, experience) combines with amplifiers which signify sentiment or personal states, and the appropriate formula is feel A towards Y, e.g.:

esthe philo Y = love Y
esthe penito Y = regret Y
esthe cholo Y = be angry with Y

The operator (478) reacte (react to, respond to) forms transitive couplets for which the formula is respond to the A of Y, e.g.:

reacte flavoro Y = taste Y
reacte impero Y = obey Y
reacte odoro Y = smell Y
reacte questio Y = answer Y

Three motive operators, with tracte, form a class apart. Kine (475), which is intransitive, means move, go, come, and is the basis of a large class of verbs such as ascend, enter, mount, depart. Mote (476) is its transitive counterpart signifying shift, move and put. Balle (465) signifies dispatch, send, cast, throw. All these are verb coenosemes of which the complementary coenosemes are equivalent to adverbial prepositions. Thus with extra (outside) and apo (away) we get:

balle Y extra = eject Y, extrude Y
mote Y in = insert Y
tracte Y ago Z = extract Y from Z

The remaining verboids (471) facte (make, construct); (463) acouste (hear); (482) vise (see) form only a few amplifier couplets. Facte requires a material thing or collective as its