Interglossa (87) (509) is not for misanthropes (306) (810) and misogynists (306) (834), nor for plutocrats (367) (826) and zoophilists (630) (355), who have more concern for the comfort of marsupials (684) than for mortality (312) among miners' (651) babies. Its function (111) is to lubricate (166) pacific (340) intercourse (87) (204) between democratic (198) (826) nations (317), to catalyse (166) and stimulate (479) communal (180) action (464) for a higher norm (325) of sanitation (405), to arm (811) us for a militant (303) and energetic (214) campaign against pauperism in an age of potential (137) plenitude (365). Its use would help to immunise (264) us against that unnatural fear of aliens (149) which Mr. Wells calls xenophobia (149) (356); and to canalise (636) the impulse to persecute (332) into planning (363) plenty (365) on a planetary scale.

Assuredly (155), we must first remove the causes (104) of war. We have to put human need above the claims of capitalistic (817) investment (270) and in front of the pecuniary (348) privileges (372) of particular persons (7) or classes (821) of persons. Along with the old system (433) of private profit (374), imperial (836) arrogance (154) must make way for more liberal (282) esteem of the potentialities (137) of oppressed (332) colonial (822) peoples. Freely elected (210) assemblies will take over the authority (153) of viceroys (127) (849), and monopolistic (27) companies (825) will make way for public (380) committees (824) with commissaries (823) responsible to the people. When we are morally (132) mature (299) enough to adopt or to adapt (108) Interglossa to this end, free insurance (269) premiums (371) will be the birthright of every infant (835). There will be no rentier (850) and no proletariat (845). University (858) education will be free to all. An international (87) (317) police (843) system (433) will seem as natural as our international postal (844) service with its world-wide distribution of telegrams (856) and trans-maritime (101) (650) telephone (855) connexions. A world ripe for use of a constructed auxiliary would regard cleptomania (176) as a euphemism (218) for the banking (813) system of to-day; and would tolerate (438) any creed (187) which is not antagonistic (103) to amicable (151) relations between world citizens.

Propaganda (846) against the credit (186) system as it now is has certainly (155) no connexion with our main task. The