Shonen Knife Wordplay

Shonen Knife lyrics contain much wordplay, sometimes monolingual (week / weak), sometimes bilingual (bakagai / baka guy). Here are a few examples...

bakagai / baka guy

Bakagai is a sea shell. Japanese baka is English stupid... so stupid guy! (Antonio Baka Guy, Antonio Baka Guy; Noted by Jeff Gaskell)


Two kinds of caterpillar, one a big green insect and the other a big yellow machine, both creating ecological devastation but on different scales. (Little Tree, Little Tree; Noted by Don Leighty)


A cat dancing on a flying saucer in the Milky Way... and cats drink milk from saucers! (I Am A Cat; Noted by Casbah)

week / weak

After outlining one typical week of fun and then repeatedly chanting "One week one week one week one week...", Naoko's conclusion is that she has described "one weak life". (One Week Life, One Week Life; Noted by George Ojisan)
1 Novembro 2001 modifita, de Ailanto verkita.