Annual Convention of the Esperanto Association of California, 1923

Annual Convention
of the
Esperanto Association of California

During the afternoon of October 14, 1923 the 9th Annual Convention of the above association took place. Mr. Brewster F. Ames, President, had very kindly offered the use of his spacious home, situated on Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, and overlooking the Golden Gate and Mount Tamalpais, its guardian.

The fact of the convention being held under these circumstances added very largely to the pleasure of everyone and to the success of the convention as the feeling of friendliness so well known to exist amongst "samideanoj" was enhanced by the home atmosphere, and this was expressed by some of the speakers. Our thanks are due to our President and to Mrs. Ames.

About 33 took part, mostly old faces, very pleasant to see, but the writer could not but regret the fewness of new faces. One indeed was present, a recent arrival from Sweden, who will not complain of the welcome extended by the gesamideanoj.

The business meeting was opened with a speech by the President. Reports were read and adopted and after balloting the retiring directors were re-elected. The business was conducted almost exclusively in Esperanto.

Mr. Vinzent, Chief Delegate for U. E. A. for the Pacific Coast, spoke on the necessity of making practical use of the language giving examples of actual transactions and urging the importance of U. E. A. to the movement.

Mr. Cuthbertson, not an Esperantist but the creator of an artificial language—said he had much enjoyed being present and had dropped his language as he realized how well established Esperanto had become.

Mr. Ames announced the commencement of some new courses.

Mr. Fred Rivers, who conducts an Open Forum and a series of educational lectures three times a week told how every week at one of these meetings a talk on Esperanto is given at the beginning, which helps to make it known.

The meeting was marked rather by a note of regret for not having done more during the past year. Towards the end however a more vigorous atmosphere was felt and a strong determination to make the ensuing year one of real activity for the Cause.

The business meeting was followed by an excellent dinner and the conversation if not always conducted in Esperanto was at least about it.

After dinner there was a social which was very much appreciated. Samideano Postnikoff said a few words in which he told how he had hurried back from the country in order to he present and had come straight to the convention—not even waiting to see his family first.

Major Rosher made a little talk on the outstanding happenings in Esperantujo during the past year and remarked that the Venice Conference was the most important, even surpassing the Teachers Conference of last year and the League of Nations resolutions. He urged the capitalization of this conference for propaganda purposes. He strongly sustained Mr. Vinzent in urging loyal support to U. E. A. as the backbone of the movement. Finally he dwelt on the Interna Ideo, pointing out the necessity of spreading Esperanto as one of the most practical means of stopping War.

We all felt "keyed up" at the end of the day, embued with fresh enthusiasm and a desire to push "la Afero."

E. R.