Virtual Poohsticks Game 177914

To: William
Subject: Game 177914 of Virtual Pooh Sticks has finished.
From: Pooh Sticks Server
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 00:00:01 -0400

Greetings William,

After waiting for some time, a cheer went up as Cyclops spotted the daughter's stick belonging to William. Next came short order cook's favorite, because you can forget about what's cooking in it, ( until it burns ), while you chase the cute little young waitress all over the place, very hot , non stick pan, then Cyclops's partially eaten goat, Ah Ahh Pooh's sometimes sincerely offered phrase, Noah Pooh's small replica of an ark with millions of little intricately hand-carved animals placed inside of it, Road Rage Rudy's surprised Pooh Bear, Charley - horse's awful, painful, hurts like Hell, arm cramp, James's pure and undefiled religion, Meteor's section of the bridge along with several spectators and finally Charley Horse's Deep Heat rub linament.

Afterwards there was much joy and merry-making as all concerned celebrated the conclusion of another successful game of pooh-sticks. After everyone had calmed down it was decided that we should all go back to Charley Horse's old stable in Washington, USA for a little smackerel of something.

The results in full are:

  1. William
  2. short order cook
  3. Cyclops
  4. Ah Ahh Pooh
  5. Noah Pooh
  6. Road Rage Rudy
  7. Charley - horse
  8. James
  9. Meteor
  10. Charley Horse

The Results of this game will be published on the Virtual Pooh Sticks Web Site.

If you spot any problems please mail me with a description of what went wrong, and I'll try and fix it ASAP.
