runes - notes

  • bindrunes
  • wendrunes
  • god's color is blue, goddess's color is green.
  • vitki = viking rune master
  • twilight / krepusko
    dawn / mateniĝo / mateno / tagiĝo
    dusk / vesperiĝo / vespero / noktiĝo
  • runemal = the casting/interpretation of runes
  • pull one from bag
  • pull some from bag for spread
  • toss them, read those face up
  • toss them, eyes closed pass hand over, pick the one
  • toss them, eyes closed pass hand over, pick some for spread
  • primary male/female pair: ᛐ ᛚ
  • secondary male/female pair: ᛟ ᛜ

Two things that I felt should be included: